eHealth Programme

The position of the Slovak Republic in the EU is not satisfactory in terms of successful implementation of eHealth. The backwardness of the Slovak Republic in comparison with other developed countries concerning eHealth activities is estimated to be 7-10 years. Slovakia tries to improve this state by National eHealth Implementation Programme (PieH). In 2008, the Ministry of Health of the SR began its preparation with the government’s approval of the material eHealth Strategic Goals.
The eHealth Implementation Programme is a strategy aimed at electronisation of health services in the Slovak Republic and it is implemented through several projects. Up to now, the following projects have been implemented:
The National Project Electronic Health Services (EHS, known as eSO1 as well) financed from European Structural Funds by means of Operation Programme “Informatisation of Society” (OPIS).
The aim of the project was:
  • launch of National Health Portal with basic information;
  • development and launch of the following applications (within pilot operation): Citizen Health eBook, ePrescription, eMedication, eAllocation;
  • creating conditions for integration of healthcare providers information systems (IS HCP) with national eHealth solution, verifying integration with IS HCP during pilot operation.

The National project Electronic Health Services was completed on December 21, 2015.

The National Project Electronic Health Services-Extension of Functionality and Services financed from European Structural Funds by means of Operation Programme “Informatisation of Society” (OPIS).
The fundamental objectives of the National Project were:
  • data consolidation of medicine and knowledge database;
  • provision of administration and data updating of medicine and knowledge database;
  • expansion of mechanisms for the protection of personal data of a specific category with expanded functionality and range of electronic health services;
  • new functionalities of electronic health services.

The National Project Electronic Health Services-Extension of Functionality and Services was completed on December 21, 2015